Choosing Right PoSH Committee Members Is Essence of Policy Implementation

Covid-19 has become the new talk of the town, plunging all other relevant matters like PoSH awareness training to the sidelines. However, the Act- Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the workplace, 2013, has to remain rampant. Most organizations have implemented the mandatory requirements under the Act, like having PoSH committee members with proper training. Even after six and a half years of implementation, many cases are still unreported, and if reported, unaddressed, and not adequately. Recent studies of 2019 revealed a spike of 14% in sexual harassment cases in almost 100 BSE companies. Last year (2019), 823 cases of sexual harassment have been registered so far, compared to 722 in 2018. Other studies have revealed that nearly 70% of women choose not to report harassment. It could be one of the contributors to why women in India are unwilling to continue working in offices. Nearly 10% of complaints have dropped in the last 15 years. Why Are Women Reluctant To Report The Abus...