
Showing posts from December, 2020

POSH India Act: A Milestone!

  The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013 was passed with the objective to provide safe environment for women at workplaces. It also aims at providing protection and redressal of complaints against sexual harassment of women. Going forward, let’s now discuss about it in detail. The Supreme Court of India first issued guidelines for Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) in Vishaka and others vs. State of Rajasthan case in 1997. The case triggered consciousness on the issue that was not given much importance. The guidelines were then superseded by the POSH Law India 2013. Types of Sexual Harassments The act clearly defines unwelcoming acts, gestures and behaviour that comprise as sexual harassment: Physical contact and advances. A demand or request for sexual favours. Making sexually colored remarks. Showing pornography; or, Any other unwelcome physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature. The POSH India Act Al...

Understanding Online Diversity Training India Components

  Most managers are deeply concerned about creating a diverse, inclusive, and supportive employee team in contemporary workplace culture.       That's excellent! Diversity and inclusion training are meant to promote the same!  Managers at a workplace must invest time, energy, and efforts in diversity and inclusion training programs conducted online or at office premises. It is suitable for any company's bottom line.  Reports are Suggestive  Reports suggest more inclusive companies are running profitably, and more diverse teams outperform those having a homogenous team. However, it may be a scenario that a company is short of budget for diversity and inclusion training currently (or sad, they may not prioritize it).  In such cases, online diversity training India is an affordable alternative.  The training is an unconscious bias training that help managers understands how their personal biases and prejudices impact business dec...

Anti Corruption Investigation Tips for Compliance with FCPA in India

  Way back in October 2009, Indian media highlighted FCPA violation by US-based firm. This initiated action and investigation into more such cases in India against wrongdoers that included inquiries against errant Public servants, companies and their respective representatives.     The inquiry was guided by the anti-bribery provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, violation of the Accurate accounting requirements under the Companies Act, falsification of accounts under the Indian Penal Code and related proceedings under the Income Tax Act and the other applicable statutes.    It is necessary for the US companies operating in India to recognize the risk of violation of FCPA provisions in India. The companies should understand what they can and cannot do in their dealing with government officials, how effective due diligence initiatives must be devised while considering the acquisition of business/entity. Also, there is a need to codify...