Sexual Harassment Act at Workplace: Way to Deal, Curb and Report Sexual Abuse

"A strong woman stands up for herself. A stronger woman stands up for everyone else." ~ Anonymous. The PoSH Act was brought into action in 2013 to empower an enabling environment that is completely free from sexual abuse. This was taken ahead to fill the legislative void regarding safety at the workplace. Under this Act, a person working in the company is required to abide by the laws under the PoSH Act. No sexual harassment case shall be left unexplored and justice shall prevail. The accused needs to be questioned by the ICC, Internal Complaints Committee. Sexual Harassment Act at Workplace Training is Important It is not always easy to understand what can be done during real circumstances of sexual harassment. This is why sexual harassment act at workplace training is important for workplaces. It assists with all the aspects - the way to deal, curb and report sexual abuse. Under the sexual harassment act at workplace , the ICC looks after the smooth functioning of a comp...