Why Are Women Today Much More Empowered but Still Has to Face Existential Anxiety?
We reside in a country where deities are worshipped and women are assaulted. What an irony? The beautiful culture of this place allows people to celebrate and mock at the same womanhood.
Hilary Clinton said, "Human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights, once and for all.” Have we ever thought that to what extent we adopt this in our life?
Women are still condemned and harassed sexually and morally. But do you know that women have an equal right against harassment in the workplace?
India is a country where millions of empowered women go to the office & work in big firms. Their safety is looked at by the Posh Policy.
It compels us to assume cultural forces and the undertaking of laws that how women. We all know how women are really behaved towards in society, despite legal law, teaching, jo, or earnings.
Existential Anxiety Faced by Women
India is in the embargo of the truth that women aren’t safe when alone on the roads, at a job. We are much more empowered and have learned to overcome existential anxiety.
The society cannot change, that’s why women have learned to modify their interests and behaviour. It is a sad side of our society which isn’t brought into the light.
The Posh Policy
The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act was legislated in 2013.
It is an extensive law to empower a protected, comfortable, and prosperous environment, exempt from sexual harassment to the women.
A company should have an ICC (Internal complaint committee). At least half of the members should comprise of women from all the ranks in the office.
The Posh policy is relevant to all the units of the corporation encompassing the employer and the employee who work regular or temporarily.
The posh Policy furthermore broadens to those who do not work in the company. They can be interns, clients, suppliers, customers, etc. Employees of the company such as customers, clients, visitors, interns, contract workers, suppliers, etc.
This protocol is constrained to the company areas. Any outer area attended by the employees at the time of employment whether inside or outside of India.
All the staffers should have the private duty to guarantee that their character does not infringe on the Posh Policy.
Any action of the individual either purposeful or not, shouldn’t embarrass the prestige of the other individual. If committed so, then strict prosecution is put up against the individual who has conducted such action.
ICC (Internal Complaint Committee):
A company having at least 10 employees should have an ICC. The ICC should constitute of 4 persons among them
4 Members of ICC include:
A supervising officer, a woman operating at a senior level
Any person in the office who is devoted to the purpose of women
Any person of the organization who has legitimate understanding and knowledge in social task
Any outside member for instance NGOs
All the grievances considering sexual assault are imposed with the ICC.
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