How Does the PoSH Workshop Help in Preventing, Prohibiting and Addressing the Act of Sexual Abuse?

 Women unquestionably have an alluring passion for their work. They conduct their responsibilities with full commitment. Be it corporate, politics, entertainment, or health care, women are giving neck to neck competition to men in every sector. Their efficiency is being highly praised on global platforms. 

Our government has to guarantee their interests. PoSH Act is a strong step that fosters gender equality by eliminating sexual abuse at the workplace.

PoSH Workshop

Every day we hear several cases of sexual harassment but people are least bothered about it, isn't it? The lack of ethical conviction and education has generated a belief that sexual harassment isn't a crime. This is the reason why sexual harassment has been so normalised. PoSH Workshop plays a key role in eliminating theses misleading beliefs. 

The PoSH Workshop aims to establish a safe and secure environment for the employer and the employee by preventing instances of sexual assault at the workplace. We need to understand that sexual abuse disobeys the fundamental rights of women.

How Can A Member Be Disqualified from A PoSH Internal Committee?

PoSH law focuses on the formation of the ICC (Internal complaint committee).

An individual can be removed from the membership of the Internal Complaint Committee in the following cases:

  • If the member has insulted their position.

  • Some important discussions need to be kept confidential. If this data has been circulated by a member of IC, action can be taken against him/her. 

  • If the member of IC has been found guilty or has been convicted on disciplinary proceedings. 

  • If he/she has committed any kind of offence under the law. 

 Complaint against Sexual Abuse

The aggrieved woman should complain to the Internal Committee(IC) of the workplace. 

  • The complaint should be filed in writing, within three months from the date of the mishap. 

  • If there are many repeated instances of sexual abuse, it must be documented at least three months from the last date the abuse took place. 

  • There can be cases when the victim is not mentally capable of lodging a complaint. If the aggrieved woman has been incapable to file the grievance, her co-worker or relative can do it on her behalf. 

  • In an extreme situation like death, her legal heir, relative, friend or co-worker can make the complaint. 

  • Under the PoSH Act, a complaint cannot be anonymous. To safeguard the image of the victim, a workplace can permit to file a complaint with anonymity. 

  • The grievance must be settled by the Internal Committee within 90 days of the complaint being filed.

More Insight into Instances of Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment Includes The Following Instances:

  • Sexual behaviour – verbal, non-verbal or sexual

  • Encouraging pornography in the workplace.

  • A physical statement, insult or instances.

  • Pressure for any means of sexual favour for promotion or other business procedures.

  • Sexually coloured comments.

A good PoSH Workshop to explain sexual harassment at the workplace is mandatory for companies. The experts of Rainmaker are very well acquainted with the current system of PoSH Policies with companies.


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