Posh ICC Workshop To Guarantee Safety Of Men And Women Is Not Jeopardised

 It has been quite a while since the Posh Law has been implemented. Do people actually abide by the rules that have been mentioned in the Posh Act? 

The situation has improved without any doubt but the complete safety against sexual harassment is still questionable.

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) was introduced by the Supreme Court of India according to the Vishakha Guidelines (protection of women against sexual harassment). 

It is very necessary to protect women at the workplace by complying to the Posh Law. This can be attained by Workshops and orientations. It is an important part to ensure awareness regarding the POSH Act and the process of formation of ICC and its functioning.

Companies are still ignorant about forming an ICC. It is mandatory for any workplace with more than 10 employees to have an ICC and implement the posh act. Not complying with it will make them pay a high penalty for this act if ignorance. 

Effective Training and Workshops

  • It has been observed that a general idea of the Posh Act will not bring drastic change. Rather, several topics need to be covered so that the workshop doesn’t sound monotonous and the training becomes successful. 

  • Not everyone is well acquired with legal terms. Examples must be included to make the audience understand the heavy terms. Moreover, the niche of every company is different. 

  • Employees of IT Company have a different understanding than the manufacturing industry employees. Being relevant to their work and citing understandable examples will cater to the need of proper discrimination of Posh Law.

  • Intricate nuances during sexual assault incidence must be highlighted. Instead of directly pointing out how the incident took place, it will be better to show how an employ saves his fellow-employ from sexual harassment. This will give a new perspective to the ideology. 

  • Effective visuals like videos give a better display of the law. 

  • Quizzes and situational activities must be encouraged wherein a person needs to take immediate steps during any such mishaps. 

Why should the e-learning Course Be More Effective?

  • These have downloadable certificates. E certificates are hassle-free. Moreover, they are also environmentally friendly.

  • End session assessment will be a lot easier. The system will have accurate data and analytics. The progress can be tracked and this helps in training updated with the course.

  • Sexual harassment is a topic which everyone is not comfortable talking about. E-learning will give them better exposure to open up and understand things.

  • Winding up, Posh ICC workshop and training is not just a mere skill development course. It is a part of the legal framework for any workplace. It is absolutely compulsory to comply with the Posh Law. E-learning will give a better understanding and training by rainmaker.co.in will give positive results. 

Rainmaker.co.in works towards creating awareness on sensitive issues like sexual harassment that is related to safety at the workplace for both men and women. Ensuring elimination of gender-based barriers, Posh ICC workshops and training are conducted regularly. 

More to the point, the ICC members will be trained to assist them with proper interviewing requirements and legal procedures.


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