Why PoSH Awareness Training Is Important?

 Prevention of sexual harassment in an organization has become a major concern even after several years of enforcement of preventing sexual harassment PoSH Act 2013. This will not be wrong to say that most of the sexual harassment incidents at the workplace happen due to a lack of awareness. In order to make employees aware of the types of sexual harassment, organize the PoSH Act training in your organization. Due to the pandemic, considering online POSH employee training is one of the best ways to make your employees aware of their right, prevention, and PoSH act

In this blog, let us explore the top 5 reasons why your organization must conduct PoSH training for their employees. 

Puts the learners at ease while dealing with a sensitive topic

In India, people not comfortable talking about sex or sexual harassment especially in the public domains. Online PoSH training provides you the comfort of learning about a sensitive topic. Might be some women are not comfortable talking about touching, stroking, and patting, lewd gestures in a classroom, but they can raise their questions about this sensitive topic through online tanning. 

Smart way to depict the actual workplace incidents

PoSH online awareness training is designed to make people aware of its benefits, prevention, and etc. It makes the session engaging and interactive for learners. By using a scenario-based learning approach, depicting real-life situations could be a breeze in online POSH training. Under the Posh online training, you’ll learn various topics of the POSH Act like-what is sexual harassment? What are the various forms of sexual harassment? Why does sexual harassment happen at the workplace? 

Visual is the most effective way of communication

As per the study, 65% of people respond quickly to the visual images instead of text content. Therefore, the PoSH training is designed with animation, images in the e-learning module, which helps the learners to understand the concepts well. This makes online learning on sexual harassment at the workplace the right strategy to create awareness among the employees.

It enrich ROI on training investments

POSH training is critical for compliance training. Online is a smart and most effective way to connect people in a single platform to deliver such training. The initial cost of procuring an e-learning course might seem high, but believe it is a one-time investment, the benefits of which get derived over a period of time. Additionally, every time, a new employee is joining an organization that she/ he needs to be trained on PoSH.

So, if you’re looking for the best place to get online PoSH awareness training, look no further. Simply rely on Rainmaker. They are certified and specialized in offering PoSH Online Training, Organizational Workshops, PoSH Audit & IC external members & Policy vetting. The company is associated with a team of skilled professionals who can assist with drafting / reviewing your PoSH policy as well as help you conduct a PoSH audit to identify areas of non-compliance (if any). To know more, contact them at https://rainmaker.co.in/. They will be happy to help you.


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