Sexual Harassment Course- A Better Concept to Promote Management in a Firm

 "Sexual harassment is using what Nature gave us to take what isn’t ours. It’s an act of violence not only against an individual but the group—and it inevitably meets with the wrath of the group."~ Anthony Marais

The workplace laws can help the business take important steps to go ahead of compliance with PoSH act and formulate a progressive environment.

Women are playing a crucial role in the forefront of every sector. Be it politics, corporate or health care, they have completed their duties with full devotion. Here arrives the responsibility of our government to safeguard their interests. Sexual harassment act fosters gender equality by removing sexual harassment at the workplace.

  • Assist the businesses to form an Internal complaint committee. They will form internal policies that are necessary for smooth functioning and compliance.

  • Providing a robust representation of the IC of your company

  • Experienced and trained experts for implementing a hotline for Reports regarding the sexual harassment act.

  • Regular maintenance of extensive training for the committee as well as the employee. This will impart the necessary skills for better management of complaints regarding sexual harassment at the workplace.

  • Maintaining compliance by Reporting up regularly 

Why is the PoSH ICC Workshop Needed?

  • It has been observed that more than 35% of women face sexual bullying in the workplace.

  • Out of the women who have been sexually harassed, more than 65 % find it difficult to lodge a complaint looking after the consequences like fear, loss of dignity and under-confidence.

  • Surveys show that more than 40% of women do not feel safe in the workplace.

When Can An Individual Be Disqualified From A Workplace?

"To even think of a woman with sexual intent without consent, is harassment!" ~ Abhijit Naskar, Girl over God

According to the PoSH Act, a person can be removed from the membership of the Internal Complaint Committee:

  • Some matters need to be kept confidential. If such information has been leaked by a member of IC, action can be taken against him. 

  • If he/she has any kind of offence under the law. 

  • If the member has been convicted or has been found guilty on disciplinary proceedings. 

  • If the member has abused their position. 

Complying to PoSH Act

Apart from the legal and financial repercussions of non-compliance to the PoSH Act, a workplace that is not safe can bring impairment to the psychological well-being of an employee. It also reduces the productivity of the victim. Workplaces have many instances of sexual abuse. These workplaces also have a greater number of employee turnovers.

The Internal committee incorporates the following:


  • Number of complaints in a year

  • Number of complaints disposed off in a year

  • Number of pending cases for 90 days

  • Number of actions taken by the head of the company

  • Several awareness programs against sexual harassment.

If the companies conduct a sexual harassment course, it makes the workplace better. It eliminates the discomfort of the employee, makes the environment safer, improves employee satisfaction and decreases employee turnover. Ultimately, the company doesn’t have to pay bigger costs associated with sexual abuse at the workplace.


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